Olive Bars
Il lupino, la cui coltivazione e’ raddoppiata in Italia negli ultimi 20 anni, ha una lunga storia. Dalla dieta dei soldati romani, alle moderne tecniche agricole e produttive, che consentono di non assumere piu’ i semi di lupino trattati e conservati per mezzo di concentrazioni di sale, che aumentano il rischio di pressione alta. Si puo’ invece produrre pane, pasta, ma anche altri prodotti con quantita’ crescenti di proteine di lupino, come i gelati o addirittura delle bistecche dal gusto eccellente.
Considered the vegetarian’s meat, the yield of proteins in Lupin beans is by far the richest (35-40%) upon any other legume, more than soy, peas, beans and chickpeas. Many therapeutic properties have been studied in the nutraceutical field notably by a research group from the University of Milan. The Lupine proteins carry with them important matters, one of these, the gamma-conglutin, reduces the content of sugar in the blood for daily consumptions of few grams. These properties, therefore, make it a valid source in the diet of diabetics. Lupine coltivation in Italy has almost doubled in the last 20 years and has a long story begining with the diet of Roman legions to the ultimate production methods that allow to eat them with a reduced salt content.Further interesting is the fact that the Lupine flour is gluten free, in such way it does not irritate the intestine and appears ideal for those suffering from celiac disease. The flour has beneficial nutritional properties containing high amount of proteins, such as that of meat and eggs.