Imparare a cucinare con le oliveFicacci’s Cooking show

Olive Bars

  • Safety (COVID-19 ALERT)
    Studies confirm the disease spreads with droplets released by nose and mouth. Transmission is possible only through direct contact with the surfaces where the droplets land.
  • Store Footprint
    Valuable retail space missed for cross-merchandising.
  • Labor
    Deli managers waste time and money to setup, refresh and take down.
Un progetto che punta alla riscoperta della cucina semplice e genuina, che porta ai consumatori finali la consapevolezza che pochi ingredienti di alta qualità possono fondersi in un piatto eccezionale.Grazie all’estro del nostro Chef abbiamo dimostrato, tra le corsie degli Ipermercati, quanto sia facile cucinare con le Olive. I consumatori ci hanno dato un ritorno strepitoso, in termini di vendite ma soprattutto per l’entusiasmo e l’interesse dimostrato. 
Guarda il video sul nostro canale youtube 

Learning to cook with olives through our Cooking-Show!The project aims to rediscover cooking in a simple and genuine way: We believe that high quality ingredients, well sorted, generate remarkable dishes. In the middle of Hypermarket lanes, the inventiveness of our Chef shows how easy it is to cook with Olives. Consumers have provided a tremendous feedback, both in terms of sales and interest shown.
view video on our youtube channel