Una tipa dolce ma... Senza CuoreA sweet chick..without heart!

Olive Bars

  • Safety (COVID-19 ALERT)
    Studies confirm the disease spreads with droplets released by nose and mouth. Transmission is possible only through direct contact with the surfaces where the droplets land.
  • Store Footprint
    Valuable retail space missed for cross-merchandising.
  • Labor
    Deli managers waste time and money to setup, refresh and take down.
Al via la Campagna Acquisti 2014/2015. Come ogni anno i primi raccolti saranno le materie prime greche, a seguire le olive autoctone. Il nostro Responsabile Acquisti impegnato sin da primi giorni di Settembre a monitorare in loco i raccolti, ci ha portato dalla Grecia una dolce novità. Dopo diversi anni di ricerca siamo riusciti a denocciolare le Olive Dolci Giganti cultivar Chalchidiki, senza dubbio le olive più conosciute, da oggi disponibili senza nocciolo.Per qualsisia informazione e/o manifestazione di interesse contatta il nostro ufficio commerciale.

Launch of the 2014-2015 purchasing campaign. As every year, the first collected raw materials will be of Greek origin shortly followed by the native Italian olives. Our Purchasing Manager, in Greece since the beginning of September, is monitoring the on-site collection and gave us a “delicious” news: following several years of research, we have finally found a way to have the pitted Sweet Giant olives (cultivar Chalchidiki) undoubtedly the most known olives worldwide. For any request or information please contact our sales department.