Arriva su Youtube Casa Ficacci Casa Ficacci lands on Youtube

Olive Bars

  • Safety (COVID-19 ALERT)
    Studies confirm the disease spreads with droplets released by nose and mouth. Transmission is possible only through direct contact with the surfaces where the droplets land.
  • Store Footprint
    Valuable retail space missed for cross-merchandising.
  • Labor
    Deli managers waste time and money to setup, refresh and take down.
Un’idea nata dal genio creativo del nostro Direttore Marketing e realizzata grazie all’estro dello Chef Angelo.  La missione è postare video ricette facili e veloci, per dilettarsi in cucina anche se non si è cuochi provetti. Chiaramente le Olive Ficacci saranno le protagoniste indiscusse: dagli aperitivi al pane passando per primi, secondi e contorni... tutti piatti originali e innovati.Potrete trovare tutte le video ricette di Casa Ficacci su You Tube, vi aspettiamo con i vostri commenti, le vostre impressioni e magari qualche suggerimento... Buona Visione!!

An idea sprung from the creative desires of our Marketing Director and built upon the cooking performances of Chef Angelo. The mission is to post quick and easy video recipes that will enable, also inexperienced cooks, to prepare tasty dishes. Ficacci Olives will obviously have the leading role: ranging from appetizers to toasts to main courses ... creating authentic and innovative food. You can catch all the recipes of Casa Ficacci on You tube and we’re looking forward to receive your comments, feedbacks and hopefully some suggestions ... Enjoy the view!