Olive Bars
azienda commerciale e industria alimentare. Nel primo caso importiamo,
stagioniamo e distribuiamo prodotti destinati alle industrie alimentari e
alle organizzazioni di catering. Per questo genere di prodotti la Romeo
Ficacci s.r.l. opera meramente come distributore, offrendo il vantaggio
di un vasto assortimento e della consegna diretta anche di piccoli
quantitativi. Nel ruolo di industria alimentare: stagioniamo,
trasformiamo, prepariamo e confezioniamo olive in imballi plastici
(buste, secchielli e vaschette) destinati sia al libero servizio nei
supermercati, che alla vendita assistita nei banchi gastronomia.
The business activity of FICACCI can be dived in to two main sales segments: one focusing on the Wholesale Market and the other on the Retail Market.The products destined for the Wholesale Business are cured and distributed to Food manufacturing and Catering Companies. For this business segment , Romeo Ficacci SRL offers the advantage to his clients of being able to purchase a great quality product either nationally or internationally. In addition, Ficacci cures and treats the product following a very natural process. Ultimately, Ficacci operates as a distributor of the finished product offering the service of a vast assortment of olives and making direct deliveries to his clients for orders of all sizes.The production for the Retail Business is also very important to Ficacci. Special attention is given to the production of the olives and of new and exciting olive recipes.The packaging is also very important; Ficacci uses various types of plastic containers specifically designed by its management for the Retail Market and the storage in supermarket and stores shelves. Furthermore, Ficacci designed and uses a larger plastic tray container designed specifically for the open Salad Bar and/or Deli Counters.