Olive KalamataKalamata olives

Olive Bars

  • Safety (COVID-19 ALERT)
    Studies confirm the disease spreads with droplets released by nose and mouth. Transmission is possible only through direct contact with the surfaces where the droplets land.
  • Store Footprint
    Valuable retail space missed for cross-merchandising.
  • Labor
    Deli managers waste time and money to setup, refresh and take down.
Sono stagionate per circa 8 mesi in acqua e sale, secondo il metodo di lavorazione antico e tradizionale chiamato "al naturale".

L’oliva Kalamata ha un peso elevato e una forma allungata e asimmetrica con apice e base appuntiti.
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A natural treatedolive kept in brine for 8 months.

Kalamata’s fruits are bulky, long and uneven,
with a sharp point and a large base.

As an appetizer the small, salty and slightly bent black olive of Kalamata (Peloponnese) is exquisite. We
propose you a swift and very tasty recipe: chop some parsley and cook it on a pan along a few Kalamata olives.
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